Welcome to my blog Emma L.,

Hi I'm Emma,

Where to start? Well, I've pretty much been obsessed with makeup since the age of 13 and it hasn't stopped since!

I'm half English, half Scottish. Being born and raised in Belgium has made me bilingual in English and French, don't worry I'm a terrible speller in both! So, if there are any mistakes on this blog you know for sure I was writing it and not a computer (well technically auto-correct is a computer, but let's just ignore that fact).

Emma L.

I studied History of Art and Architectural History at the lovely University of Edinburgh (with a scholarship year in Paris, because why not... when in Rome, or in this case when in Paris? Ok not sure where I'm going with that one). All the while I was introduced to the lovely world of YouTube and Blogging, and I've been hooked ever since. I've always thought though, that "I could do that! I have opinions and stuff!". No, but really, I've always been the "artsy" one of my group of friends, that's what happens when you take A-levels in Chemistry and Biology and all your friends become doctors. But although I love the logic of science, I adore the creativity of art! For me, art is present in the everyday things, and makeup is my main outlet on a daily basis (well except when I give my skin a break, let's be real), that and photography. 

So, I hope you can join me on this artistic journey/obsession where I solemnly swear (Harry Potter quote anyone?) to share my passion with you. ;)

