Gluten Free Pancakes

Happy Mardi Gras everybody!!! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, this can only mean one thing...bead necklaces!!! I kid, PANCAKES!!!

Although some of you might be wondering why I'm showing crêpes? Here in Europe, this is generally what we mean when we order/make pancakes. I know in America they have a smaller thicker version that is generally eaten with Maple syrup for breakfast, but these are not they (sorry if I've disappointed any of you!).

Gluten Free Pancakes

Now after many years of trying to make my own version of gluten free pancakes and failing miserably, I decided, this year, to find a recipe online. Thanks to this lovely lady, I realised that I was going wrong when I was adding xanthan gum. Thinking I would need it for the pancakes not to tear whilst cooking I was actually hindering my efforts to a sticky mess...lesson learnt!!!

Ingredients for pancakes (makes about 12):

  • 245g plain flour (gluten free, my favourite is Doves Farm)

  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

  • 3 eggs at room temperature

  • 28g of unsalted butter, softened at room temperature

  • 475ml milk at room temperature

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (if you want to make your pancakes sweet rather than savoury)

  • 43g confectioner's sugar (again for sweet rather than savoury)

I made the mistake of not adding vanilla extract or sugar to my recipe (not realising that Nicole's original recipe was to make "neutral" pancakes. If you want to have savoury pancakes then it's fine, but for sweet ones I found that it made them quite bland. So definitely add your vanilla and sugar guys! Then simply follow her instructions, which are basically to add the wet ingredients to the dry ones and whisk until well combined.

But now for the fun part...HOW TO EAT THEM?!!!


Gluten Free Pancakes

Let's begin with a true classic, plain sugar! Need I say more? Honestly, it's a classic for a reason; you could also add vanilla ice cream if you're feeling particularly indulgent.

Gluten Free Pancakes


Gluten Free Pancakes with Lemon & Sugar

This I feel is a rather British combination. In Belgium (where I grew up), this was never an option on offer. Not that I minded of course, since I don't particularly like the mixture of sweet and sour. My mum on the other hand can't get enough of this combination. You could also try lime juice if you fancy a bit of a change.

Gluten Free Pancakes with Lemon & Sugar


Gluten Free Pancakes with Cassonade (Brown Sugar)

Speaking of Belgium...a true classic addition to pancakes is Cassonade (finely milled brown sugar). This is delicious!!! Although you might have to finish your brown sugar rather quickly once you've opened your packet as it tends to solidify into a brick, fast! I've heard that storing the brown sugar with marshmallows stops this problem, but I've yet to test it out.

Gluten Free Pancakes with Cassonade (Brown Sugar)
Gluten Free Pancakes with Cassonade (Brown Sugar)


Gluten Free Pancakes with Nutella

I've left the BEST for last!!! In case you didn't know, Nutella is GLUTEN FREE!!! Yes, you've heard right my little chocolate addicts; you don't have to give up Nutella if you're gluten free! Which thank the heavens! Because I could eat the stuff by the tub! And on pancake day, I just add a bit of pancake to my habit/problem! ;)

Gluten Free Pancakes with Nutella

There you have it, my “pancake day” post. I know what you're thinking: I truly suffered for my art today; eating all these delicious gluten free pancakes...what can I say, someone had to make sure they were alright!

Bon appétit!!!

How do you like to eat your pancakes on this special day?

Do you have a different tradition that you celebrate?

P.S. I you're wondering what's on my nails, it's Essie's Altitude Attitude from their Winter Collection 2015. But Watermelon, which is in their permanent collection, is also a gorgeous pinky red... although slightly on the more pinky side than Altitude Attitude it's still a good alternative!


