Halloween Trick-or-Treat?

It’s nearly Halloween!!!!! So I thought I would share with you my top snacks (a.k.a treats) to have this time of year.


Hot White Chocolate Orange

When I saw that Terry’s Chocolate Orange had added a white chocolate version to their famous line in Stonemanor I just knew I had to make the white chocolate version of my orange hot chocolate featured in my Hot Chocolate 3 Ways post (plus you finally get to see the other side of the orange mug!).

Hot White Chocolate Orange

Same recipe as for the other one; for one mug of white orange hot chocolate you’ll need:

  • A packet of Terry’s Chocolate Orange White (7 slices to be precise)

  • Milk (of your choosing, I used coconut milk because I’m lactose intolerant)

Fill the mug (similar here) of your choosing with “milk” till 2cm from the rim then pour that amount into a saucepan. Add 4 slices of white chocolate orange and whisk till melted then add more to your liking. Personally, I went up to 7 slices, but this will vary depending on your taste and mug size.

I thought that since the chocolate slices themselves weren’t as orangey flavoured as their original milk chocolate orange (to me anyway) I would need to add an orange syrup or flavouring of some sort but actually it’s quite orangey on its own when made into a hot chocolate.

Let your taste buds be the judge! ;)

Hot White Chocolate Orange


As I live in “The Land of Chocolate” that is Belgium, you’ll be hard pressed to find bad chocolate anywhere, hence even our mass produced cheaper “themed” chocolate is delicious.

Delhaize Halloween Chocolate

These pumpkins and chocolate coins were amongst Delhaize’s (our local supermarket) Halloween decorations section as we only get a small isle dedicated to this candy holiday every year…sniff

The orange pumpkins were actually dyed white chocolate, which I should have guessed and as my brother is much more of a fan of white chocolate than I am (I’ll make an exception for the delicious hot chocolate above), I gave them to him to enjoy (I may have had an eyeroll or two because they are just that adorable! #justjealous).

Halloween is just not a thing here, in mainland Europe anyway, but we’re progressing slowly but surely thanks to American movies and influence.


Lidl Halloween Chocolate

“Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, …
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”
- Shakespeare

Could there be a better quote? I remember having to act this scene out in groups in English class, hilarity of course ensued!

Again, even from Lidl no chocolate can be subpar here so you might run out of this precious witches’ brew ingredient before you know it!


Now for the crème de la crème of Halloween chocolate (it does exist and I’ve done my very scientific and elaborate research #spoilt #dedicated #chocolatefiend), Leonidas’ Sucre Pop!

You’ll know my love for these delicious beauties from my Easter Nutella Cake post, and although these Easter eggs are limited edition Leonidas does come out with the same recipe come Halloween with this chocolate ball version…heart eyes!

Leonidas Halloween Sucre Pop


Spotted these in Stonemanor and not going to lie the packaging totally got me, Día de los Muertos anyone?

Apart from the packaging being stunning the cakes themselves were delicious especially the blackcurrant “fruity” one, and I was more than happy to break my gluten free rule for them (guilty foot twisting I’m not coeliac…technically just intolerant #worthit)

Halloween Jaffa Cakes

If you’re not as much of a sweet tooth as I am, then you like my next recommendation;


These Lidl Halloween Vampire Snacks crisps R.I.P. nummy nummy, tasted exactly like Monster Much crisps (which you can get year round). They also have a Halloween Snacks version which are bat and spider web crisps which have a more herby flavour.


Lidl Halloween Bucket

Let’s be real, Halloween is pretty much cancelled this year (again not that we get much of one in Belgium anyway), so Lidl is knocking it out of the park with their pre-filled Halloween bucket which is bound to keep any child (cough…adult…cough) happy, don’t mind if I do!

P.S. Only the most eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that one of the sweet packets is missing, I had to taste test okay! What do parents call it? The “Candy Tax”? Yap, I’ll go with that even though I’m not a parent, it’s not in any way shape or form my complete lack of will power…shifty eyes (proud that there were any left to photograph to be honest…nods in satisfaction). ;)

There you have it, my top Halloween snacks/treats this year. You could also try making your own Gluten Free Halloween Sugar Cookies if you have the time and energy. Don’t worry you’re bound to be on a sugar high in no time!


